Friday, July 30, 2010

Losing My Grip.

Up on this hill, in this uncanny house
The wind makes this place creak, the lights they are flickering.
The moon she is lurking, the clock it stopped working
At a quarter past three.
There's something dancing here in the shadows
And I wish it were us.

You haunt me baby, you haunt me here tonight.
You haunt me baby, you haunt me here tonight.

Can't get your memory, off of my mind, my mind.
Just want your heartbeat, on top of mine, of mine.
There's something dancing, here in the shadows
And I wish it were us.

You haunt me baby, you haunt me here tonight.
You haunt me baby, you haunt me here tonight.

Up on this hill, in this uncanny house.
Your spirit I can't see, but I still believe
I can feel your breath on me.

You haunt me baby, you haunt me here tonight.
You haunt me baby, you haunt me here tonight.

Up on this hill, in this uncanny house.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Stupid Birds.

Is it weird that a part of me enjoys embracing pain and sadness?

There's a certain song that I played over and over again many months ago because I thought it was melancholy, but sweet. Lonely, but comforting. I suppose I liked the dismal lyrics mixed with its ironically catchy beat. I sang it to myself, played it on repeat, memorized its every ebb and flow. It became some what of an obsession.

Over the years I have found refuge in music in times of uncertainty, in times of depression, in times of mourning. Usually it's one song in particular. In fact, I think I have a song for each of the major changes in my life. Even though I once listened to them constantly, now that the event has passed and time has elapsed, I can't even recall the last time I listened to one of those "monumental therapists". I guess because I don't want to return to that place of emotional distress. Makes sense.

But this one song floated into my head today as I cleaned out my computer files from this past fall. At first I was excited that I even remembered the song existed. Booyah for rediscovering songs! However as I hummed it to myself and continued deleting files, I remembered why that song had settled in my head. Suddenly I was not excited, but disgusted. I wanted nothing more than to forget the song, and more importantly forget all the memories attached to it.

And yet here I am, listening to it on repeat.

So is it strange that I welcome this pathetically sad and hopelessly romantic song with all of the painful baggage it carries back into my life?

I guess I'll never know why sparrows love the snow.

-A Perspective.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Day to Remember.

"Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; for this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins." Matthew 22:26-28

As Liam and I sat down in the pew for church this morning, he leaned in and whispered excitedly, "Next week I'm being baptized!". A huge smile swept across my face as I gave him a hug. I am so excited for him. He asked me a few weeks ago when it would be "his turn" to be baptized. He accepted Christ as Savior a couple years ago after VBS. He had been asking Mommy some questions and he decided to say a prayer and join God's family. We haven't had any recent baptisms, so I know that this is something Liam has been thinking about and waiting for. He knows that it is an important step, but he can't wait to go to the class next Sunday to find out exactly what is going to happen during the service as he publicly declares his decision to follow Jesus Christ.

I could see it in the way his eyes lit up when he said it was finally his time to be baptized. He is so excited.

Today was also Lord's Supper. Now, up until this point Liam has not taken part in the service. But today, without any instruction, or questioning, he took a piece of bread, cup of juice and partook in the Lord's Supper. I was taken aback at first. He was so eager to take a small piece of matzah bread and tiny cup of grape juice. But then it occurred to me, Liam has been watching everyone do this for years and now today after realizing that he would be baptized soon and understanding the seriousness of the ceremony chose to not only partake, but was excited! I then thought to myself... how often do adults just pass the elements, or consume them, void of any meaning.

It makes sense now. "For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” Mark 10:14-15

Oh to be young at heart, willing to accept, eager to serve, and excited to change.

-A Perspective

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


scare the freaking crap out of me.

-A Perspective